Treatment Services
We treat conditions associated with pain. Pain is a phenomenon which has physical, mental, and emotional factors. We are frequently successful in preventing the need for surgery by using any one, or combination of the following:
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- Trigger point injection
- Acupuncture technique
- Medical prescription
- Orthotic prescription (canes, braces, etc.)
Why Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)?
OMT operates on the premise that one part affects the whole, and the whole affects the part. In physics, this concept is known as tensegrity. The form and structure of our organs have evolved for the purpose of specific functions. Improving form and structure using OMT, is anticipated to improve the function of our organs.
OMT treats a number of different pathologies and there are numerous techniques. Two techniques are described in the following:
The OMT technique of muscle energy can relieve most tight and guarded muscles, align the body, and rehabilitate muscle groups.
The OMT technique of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (a version of this is known as cranial-sacral therapy) may be very useful in relieving those who have hyperactive neural processes. For example, many people who have a lot of mental tension have hyperactive neural processes, benefit immensely from this technique.
One of many pathologies OMT manages well is Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear disease of joints. OMT improves joint muscle efficiency, and joint alignment. Once a joint is moving well due to correct muscle and alignment processes, less future wear and tear occurs, and progression of osteoarthritis may be arrested. Inflammatory processes which cause joint pain will diminish as well. Once pain has been managed, surgery has been avoided for the majority of our patients who have osteoarthritic joints. With proper alignment, pinched nerves have more often than not been resolved as well.
Why Trigger Point Injections?
Trigger Point Injection is used to restore the normal form, and subsequently, normal physiology of muscles. Abnormally contracted muscles are an example of muscles with abnormal form and physiology. Muscles become abnormally contracted for many reasons. As examples:
- Damaged joints cause surrounding muscles to become abnormally contracted.
- Inflamed tendons cause associated muscles to be abnormally contracted.
- Overused muscles are injured muscles, which become abnormally contracted.
- Muscles that are under the influence of hyperactive neural processes (i.e.: when a person has a lot of mental tension) become abnormally contracted.
Trigger Point Injection at Lee Rehab is not used for the purpose of temporarily numbing pain, it is used in the context of neural therapy.
Why Acupuncture?
Acupuncture may be used to calm the stress response, and relax muscles which are persistently tight. Kiiko Matsumoto’s Technique, derived in part from Chinese Han dynasty treatises, has demonstrated its usefulness in relaxing abnormally tight muscles, and reduce the severity of symptoms related to undesired immune responses such as seasonal allergies.
Otherwise, Lee Rehab uses acupuncture needles to biomechanically induce tight muscles into a more physiologically normal state, which reduces pain symptoms. Acupuncture needles are also effective in reducing abnormal sensations of numbness and tingling.
Acupuncture may be used to calm the stress response, and relax muscles which are persistently tight. Kiiko Matsumoto’s Technique, derived in part from Chinese Han dynasty treatises, has demonstrated its usefulness in relaxing abnormally tight muscles, and reduce the severity of symptoms related to undesired immune responses such as seasonal allergies.
Otherwise, Lee Rehab uses acupuncture needles to biomechanically induce tight muscles into a more physiologically normal state, which reduces pain symptoms. Acupuncture needles are also effective in reducing abnormal sensations of numbness and tingling.